We look through legacy systems
Core operational systems are business-critical components
Business-critical software systems are the driving component for efficient processes and ensure profitability and quality. Software systems that have grown over the years are difficult to understand due to their scope and complexity - their processing is person-dependent and is increasingly becoming a generational problem. AVESOR® supports you in the challenges of grown software systems by:
- Inventory of core systems
- Self-assessment of your core system
- Planning Modernization-System Cartography
- System analysis in Virtual Reality
Law of increasing complexity
Operational software is never static; it is constantly evolving. With this comes increasing complexity unless efforts are made to maintain or reduce it. In practice, however, "refactoring" is only carried out as a permanent process in very rare cases.
Lack of refactoring
Refactoring is the process of improving the structure of a software system while maintaining the behavior of the software. Refactoring has the goal of improving and maintaining in particular the maintainability and comprehensibility. As already mentioned, in practice refactoring is observable as a permanent process only in extremely rare cases. Individual "refactorings" that are attempted once in ten years, for example, are ineffective.
Accumulation of technical debt
Increasing complexity and lack of refactoring steadily accumulate more and more debt, the interest on which is paid in the form of rising costs and turnaround times for enhancements or customizations. Technical debt is observable through missing or outdated documentation, tacit knowledge in developers' heads or passed on via "oral tradition", code repetition, missing or incomplete coding guidelines, and enormous coupling in source code. See here an example of technical debt of an evolved software system. See here an example of technical debt of an evolved software system.
Support for digitization
Operational core systems were created decades ago without any chance to foresee the requirements of "digitization".
Lack of junior staff
The original developers are often no longer available in the company or will soon leave the company (through retirement). Young talent is not available on the market, or not available in sufficient numbers and education, and the situation is aggravated by the fact that legacy technologies have not been taught for a long time. The training effort for new employees is extremely time-consuming and ties up resources that are urgently needed elsewhere.
IT management's room for maneuver is limited
IT management is limited in its room for maneuver in two ways: on the one hand, significant budget resources are tied up by maintenance efforts, and on the other hand, new, future-oriented requirements cannot be implemented immediately.
How does AVESOR® support in this situation?
AVESOR® helps in this situation with an automated inventory of the existing software structure. The inventory is performed by the AVESOR® analysis software from the respective source code (Cobol, RPG or PL/1) and can be individually adapted and extended to customer requirements, for example for
The AVESOR® analysis algorithms carry out an inventory of the respective source code (Cobol, RPG or PL/1) and can be individually adapted and extended to meet customer requirements, for example to
- Cartography of the legacy system,
- soucecode assessment up to the
- interactive analysis of the system in virtual reality.
Fact Sheet Legacy Systems

Operating time
often 20++ years (up to 40 / 45 years)
System size
Million lines of Code, with redundancies available
Enormous (systems as a whole are no longer manageable and controllable)
Technical documentation
Often not up-to-date or not available
Maintenance cost
Ständig steigend
Time to market
Too long for business
Enrolment duration
Junior staff, take over a legacy system for maintenance
junior staff extremely difficult to find, very high effort to understand a legacy system on the whole.