We assess legacy systems
Assessment of core systems
Should the checklist - for your answers - be in the yellow or even in the red area in one or more points - contact us for a free informational interview!
Time to market
(new products or services)
(new products or services)
- Business is satisfied
- IT can always react quickly
- no business is lost
- Tremors are on the increase, but are still the exceptions
- By hook or by crook it is still done - no longer an exceptional case
- The competition is much faster on the market
- Substantial business escapes
- Errors are the rare exception and concern "beauty flaws"
- Errors occur, can be corrected quickly
- Capacities are bound
- Increasingly more and more areas are affected
- Error prevention fails
- Any major adaptation requires an intensive QA effort.
- Preventive QA not possible
- Costs - benefits are in balance
- Budget for requirements must be prioritised
- Adjustments are implemented depending on the budget and time
- Even minor adjustments require absurd bugdets and time
- The training period for new employees is short,
- Holidays / illness etc. pose no problem
- Young talent can be recruited without difficulty
- Extensive training offer exists
- Generation change is imminent
- Hard to recruit young talent
- New employees can no longer be recruited
- Training no longer exists on the market
Implementation of business requirements
- Requirements can be implemented quickly
- Some requirements are implemented with workarounds
- Backlog of requirements
- Critical relationship "Business and IT
- Business departments have lost confidence in IT implementation competence
Technology (hardware and software)
- Commonly represented on the market
- Maintenance contracts are secured for the long term (more than 5 years)
- Posts in user groups / forums about the discontinuation of technology also surface and are not isolated cases.
- Maintenance contracts are now only guaranteed by the manufacturer for the medium term (3 years)
- Maintenance contracts expire within 2 years and are no longer renewed by the manufacturer
Age of the Legacysystem
- Less than three years
- More than three years
- More than seven years
- More than 10 years
Should your self-assessment end up in the yellow or even in the red area, there is need for action! We are looking forward to your contact!